Tuesday, 25 December 2007

Mayfield College

I recently visited the former Mayfield College, which has been fully restored and converted into luxury 2 bedroomed apartments. It has been renamed Mayfield Grange, and the main building is called "The Great Hall". There are two large apartments on each of the four floors and the chapel has been converted into an open plan (loft style) apartment. It has been tastefully executed and the tower has had its spire re-instated. The prices of the apartments are all £750,000 plus! For fellow Xaverians, I have posted pictures of the restored building on at http://magavelda.blogspot.com/ I will add more pictures in the next few days.

Contrary to many peoples' opinon, the Xaverian Brothers are flourishing and 11 brothers were received into the Order, last year. They still run over 150 schools in the USA and they still control Notre Dame University in Boston. The Order are still strong in many parts of Africa and Europe, however their are only a few retired brothers living in the UK.

Sunday, 23 December 2007

Merry Christmas

There are no more provincial events this year. The prototype Province web site will be upgraded between now and the New Year, The full site will not be uploaded until Provincial Council have approved its format, content and style.

Friday, 14 December 2007

Paul & Brenda Allen at Eastbourne Circle Christmas Dinner

On Thursday 13th December, Brother Provincial President Paul Allen and his wife Brenda were guests of honour at Eastbourne Circle's Christmas Dinner at the Langham Hotel, Eastbourne. A full report will be posted on the Provincial website soon. More pictures (which can be downloaded) can be found at: www.eastbournecatenians.org.uk )

Eastbourne 2 new members

On Thurdsay 13th December enrolled two brothers in the Presence of provincial President Paul Allen. Vice President Peter Oakshott stood in for President Philip Goodman who was away in South America visiting his new grand-daughter Nina. Full report soon.

Monday, 10 December 2007


From January , Bexhill Circle will meet at 8pm at the COODEN BEACH GOLF CLUB (not the Hotel). The annual Bill Gower night will also take place here. Apart from the said Bill Gower Night all meetings will take place on Thursdays and not Fridays as at present. Full details will be added to both the web site and blog next week.

Circle Meetings in December

Many Circles do not hold a December meeting, especially those whose meeting dates fall between 24-31st of the month. Others start their meetings earlier than usual such as Eastbourne , who on the 13th start at 7pm. It is best to check with the secretary or VP of the Circle that you intend to visit before setting out.

Our Christmas picture is courtesy of the Holy Nativity Convent. Their prayer which accompanies it is as follows:

Thy Nativity O Christ our God, hath shined the light of knowledge upon the world; for thereby they that worshipped the stars were instructed by a star to worship Thee, the Sun of Righteousness, and to know Thee, the Dayspring from on high. O Lord, glory be to Thee.

Dismissal Hymn of Nativity Picture courtesy of holynativityconvent.com